
With the above background in mind, the magnitude of the disaster necessitates the solutions or efforts at finding what amount to solutions. Since the uranium contamination has subjected the entire country of Afghanistan and its population to an inescapable death sentence, solutions need to be explored and developed to deal with this menace.

At the least, there has be exploration to pave the way for ameliorative mechanisms that would make life livable and wellbeing sustainable. To achieve such a colossal task, there has to be a comprehensive approach entailing goals of the amelioration mechanisms with achievable objectives.

Moreover, the approach to such task requires a new mind set or preferably a type of paradigm. Perhaps the most suitable name to illustrate this mindset would be The New Paradigm of Sustainable wellbeing. The New Paradigm of Sustainable Wellbeing would prove fruitful both in short-term healthcare and long-term diagnosis, treatment, and research findings of uranium effects on population. The operational manifestation of this concept would be through the infrastructure of that would be called The Sustainability Center.

Long Term Goal

The Sustainability Center would become the premier center worldwide dealing with uranium contamination of the environment and its effects on inhabitants.

Mid-Level Goals

  1. The construction of physical infrastructure
  2. The development of human resource—experts, specialists etc


  1. The development of a complex housing the three components of the Sustainability Center
  2. Equipping the facilities with the needed machinery and resources
  3. Developing monitoring stations throughout Afghanistan incrementally
  4. Human resource training and development and recruitment of volunteers to contribute to the complex
  5. Planning, formulating and implementing the agenda of the Sustainability Center

For all the best info on this check out Wenatchee Roofing

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