Implementation strategy of the Sustainability Center

It would be through this mechanism of The Sustainability Center that we would be looking at the total wellbeing of the individual, namely the person and his/her environment. Similarly to the concept of sustainable development, sustainable wellbeing could only be achieved if the total wellbeing of the individual is taken into account. The difference between sustainable wellbeing and conventional concept of wellbeing is that the latter treats individual as an entity separate from its environment while sustainable wellbeing would be treating the individual with his/her habitat in mind. In fact, the treatment of individual in its totality would be the most fruitful approach considering the contamination of the environment in Afghanistan.

This center would consist of an environmental-health research center, a medical center that would rely heavily on alternative medicine as well as conventional medicine, and a teaching facility—a precursor to what it would become a university.

These facilities would deal with the uranium contamination of the Afghan environment, the people and project the future survival and sustainability of the population.

The research center would have monitoring stations throughout Afghanistan that would be linked to this center where data would be collected to build a dynamic database. Moreover, research would be conducted how to devise ways to decontaminate the environment and the people inhabiting it. The medical facility would treat people contaminated with uranium dust and work toward healing their ailments using both alternative and conventional medicine. 

 The Environmental & Health Research Center

The research and development center is going to be one of the important components of the Sustainability Center. The research center would allow for researchers to see beyond conventional knowledge.

The function of the monitoring stations would be to collected local data and send it to the research center. The research center would analyze data over an extended period and establish a dynamic database and use that database to forecast the long-term survival of the people. The center would also do sampling, testing and analyzing. Moreover, the research center would also conduct research on potential methods for decontaminating the soil, animals and humans.

In addition, the center would be conducting health research. It would be studying the variety of ailments that emerged after the US bombing and devise ways to deal with these illnesses. This would include prenatal care, mothers, young and adult alike. The dominant paradigm that would sustain the vision of this center would be to concentrate on alternatives than conventional approaches. We now work on Hair Loss Blog in addition to our site here.

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